Margo Lee Sherman started her professional career as an actress working with Joseph Chaykin and Peter Schumann. Then she began realizing her own projects which haveamounted to over thirty monodramas. She has been awarded numerous prizes by critics for the distinguished emotional depth of her performing skills which allow her to play parts of men, women and children. “Grace x 3” production originated from her friendship with writer Grace Paley. A scenario of the play is based on three stories written by Grace. The first story is about a quarrel between an old father and his daughter who is a writer, the second is about the immigrants who try to adapt to new reality but cannot forget about the past, the third is a story about love between Vololdia Vlashkin, a local theatre star, and Rosie Lieber, an usherette. In Margo Lee Sherman’s interpretation all three stories etch in your mind. Sherman transforms from a middle-aged man into an older lady, from a father to a daughter, from a theatre star into his beloved woman.

“Sherman is capable of transforming herself in an astonishing and impressive way, overcoming the limitations of age and sex.” – North West News