This production is a very personal, extremely subjective and very bitter challenge dedicated, first of all, to the late painter Jerzy Piotrowicz, and then to other friends, former friends, enemies…To all of us (..) The scenes change as if in a somewhat delirious, obsessive, somnambulistic vision. The quotations from literature, theatre, and painting merge with the quotations from reality, with reality itself and nonreality. Raczak confronts obscenity and vulgarity with sublimity and refined beauty (…) Some people will surely choke with the bitterness of this performance – they are filled with bitterness themselves. Others will bridle up, saying that it is reprehensible, untrue and exaggerated. Someone else may say that the performance has not been finished yet. I am moved by it, tears get stuck in my throat at the realisation that such theatre is possible, and I am overcome by powerless fury that it is indispensable.
Ewa Obrębowska – Piasecka, “Gazeta Wyborcza”