“Macbeth” directed by Leszek Mądzik is the second adaptation of this famous play by William Shakespeare in the history of Lublin theatre. What makes it even more extraordinary it the collaboration of the team of a dramatic theatre, where the skills of an actor, the way he uses the language is crucial with the creator of the Scena Plastyczna KUL Theatre to whom the visual side of the performance is the most important one, whereas the actor, deprived of human individuality  is only an element of the picture, a carrier of movement. In Mądzik’s “Macbeth” the text was radically abridged, so that the visual elements of the performance come to its fore. The light and shade, the colours bring out the characters’ biggest passions; envy, desire for power, love, fear and madness. Entangled in illusory happiness and real tragedies, the Shakespearean characters are placed in stark and gloomy setting, lit only by single streaks of light. Driven by their lust for power, they are dragged into a bloody and painful abyss, symbolised by the black and red.

Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy in Lublin was founded in 1886. Since then it was often changing its name, the managers, actors and the language of its artistic expression. Many of its performances were seen as important events in the history of Polish theatre. It hosted and collaborated with outstanding Polish artists, staged great and important performances. Today in its repertoire one may find adaptations of both classic and contemporary playwrights, such as “Rock’n’Roll” by Tom Stoppard or “Sarmacja” by Paweł Huelle.