Teatr 36 zł, Łódź
The Reception Basin
Directed by: Mirosław Wasiewicz

The overall idea of the play is telling the story of a struggle between inspiration, imagination and youth with the world of the artificial form that the Soviet system planned to impose upon life. The prevailing force in our story is the world of soul. The play is set in a stifled , heavy atmosphere that intermingles with fantasy. (From the Programme)
The play starts with a march and ends – significantly – with a waltz. The waltz is an expression of freedom and joy: this play is a form of a ritual dance (A.K. “Gazeta Słodkobłekitna”)

Biuro Usług Dramatycznych, Łódź
The Dawn
Collective Production

Biuro Usług Dramatycznych is an independent theatrical group functioning on the fringes of culture and theatre. Their projects are “volatile, multidimensional, total performances leading the chaos and destruction” inspired by Artaud and Becket with the use of music by M. Nyman and “Gawęda”. Biuro Usług Dramatycznych does not use text. It is also hard to say that their principle means of expression is a picture, the actors tell the story by extremely suggestive movement, it is not pantomime, because the protagonist use voice as well to express their emotions. The effect is an unusual world of strange, disfigured people. (Bogdan Sobeiszczak “Dziennik Łódzki”).
“Brzask” (The Dawn) is not a workshop study. It is a whole symphony of human meanness and roguery. (Adam Wrzesiński, “Gazeta Festiwalowa”).

Teatr “Terminus a Quo”, Nowa Sól
The Instruments of Torture

The Theatre was founded in 1976 and it has so far presented over 100 performances. Their character was close to the “Rebellious”, alternative theatre. Since the very beginning the Group struggles for a proper place of an individual, for the protection of individual desires and dreams. “The Instruments of Torture” evokes the myth of Prometheus and tries to describe a situation of a contemporary man engulfed by the civilisation jungle.

Teatr Strefa Ciszy, Poznań
(street performance)
Directed by: Adam Ziajski

The Protagonists of Judasze is a newly married couple and their wedding guests. The audience is also a part of them. The Wedding is staged in a room situated in a busy part of the town. The wall have looking holes through which the viewers can spy on the merry crowd. Every few minutes the members of the audience are invited to the wedding by the Bride’s parents. During the feast the guests eat, drink, sing and dance. Nobody is surprised that the bride is pregnant and that the Guardian Angel of the crazy family is dressed in sport shoes.

Teatr KREATURY, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Elżbieta Bam

The Theatre has worked in the Town Cultural Centre in Gorzów since September 1992. The Group consists of high school and university students, as well as other CREATURES. The Theatre was founded by Przemek Wiśnieski who is its Art Director and who directs all plays, So far, the theatre has prepared several performances and presented them on many Theatre Festiwals in Pland.
“The Theatre style and the scenic imagination of its creators puts a spell on me all the time. I am also full of admiration for the way the Group manipulates the audience. The power of the Creatures exert upon the viewers is incredible. I was fascinated by the hard to define atmosphere of “Elżbieta Bam”. At some moments I felt a rat of a mystical ritual. I think that the performances of the Theatre ca be compared to a ritual ceremony. (“Gazetka Słodkobłękitna”)

Teatr Prób, Wągrowiec
The Meat of the Crazy Cows
Directed by Jan Kasper

Teatr Prób from Wągrowiec is a group of young rebellious people. Their view of the world is sharp, they have courage to shout out their pain and indignation. “The Meat of the Crazy Cows” resembles a poster or a street demonstration. Using the explicit symbols of colours and stage props they compose a play like a set of newspaper headlines. Radio Maryja, the Auschwitz Gravel Ground, murders committed by kids, the drugs, the violence. The aggressive music underlines the rebellion. In one of the scenes, the daily God of many households – the television set – becomes a religious fetish which distributes media pulp as a Holy Communion. (“Didaskalia”)

Teatr Ja-sny, Lublin
The Dominican Legends

The Theatre is composed of Lublin university students supported by high school students. It was founded as a part of Teatr Galeria of “Chatka Żaka” to realise a project under the title “The Dominican Legends”. This outdoor performance first staged in May 1999 during the Students Cultural Impressions “Zdarzenia” is based on the two Mediaeval legends. The music consists of the Dominican songs and lyrics sung alive by the Group “Się Gra”.

Teatr Muzyczny “Oyfn Veg” , Denmark
Music Concert

The concert consists of the vagabond music, Jewish songs played on the accordion and violin, as well as old English songs sung a cappella.

Jan Kiel
Music Concert

The group was founded in July 1997 and it has already received some awards and prizes. It co-operates with Teatr Prób. In 1998 they recorded their first album with lyrics by Andrzej Bursa, Halina Poświatkowska, Tadeusz Nowak, Tadeusz Śliwiak and Jan Kasper