It is an extremely moving production, touching upon the universal problems. Its creators say that an inspiration for it was provided by parallel exploration of two books – one was an amazing confession of a Jewish policeman from the Otwock ghetto, Calel Perechodnik (Am I a Murderer?), the other a sociological study of Holocaust by Zygmunt Bauman. Perechodnik was an element of a criminal system. He led his wife and child to an execution square believing that nothing wrong would happen to them. He stayed in the ghetto to hunt for the hiding Jews. Analysing Holocaust, Bauman noticed that the majority of people, having faced a tragic choice, gave up moral considerations in favour of their own good and private interests. In the production both motives form a perverse praise of our times. There is no war, no great crime. However, we continue facing our fall. Little lies, little crimes get healed with meanness. We allow all that being proud that nothing worse happens. As a matter of fact, the performance is a great accusation and bitter irony dressed in a splendid theatrical form.