Stella Polaris is one of the most fascinating street theatres. It was founded in 1985. It has co-operated with the legendary Norwegian theatres (The Saltcompany, Theater Beliashe), and also with the Polish Ośrodek Praktyk Teatralnych “Gardzienice”. It started with small, indoor theatrical performances. Today it is a master of huge shows called the outdoor events. In 1994, the Theatre participated in the Opening Parade of the Winter Olympic Games in Lilelhammer. The theatre aims at providing the audience with a chance to live through a unique experience out of time and space. The artists carry the national and international cults and myths into the world of jesters and jugglers. The theatre parades consists of fascinating music inspired by the works of Scandinavian composers, as well as elements of legends, traditional cults and rituals. The acrobatic acts are accompanied by the performance of crutch-walkers, flame-eaters, erratic dancers and huge animated puppets. The actors have undoubtedly acquired “skills of engaging one’s attention without reaching for cheap tricks.