Teatr z Lublina – it’s a theatre of an author, actor and performer – directed by Elżbieta Bojanowska. It was founde ten years ago. Its most interesting perfomances are: “List Tomasza Morusa do córki Małgorzaty” A Letter form Thoms More to His Daughter Margaret (1992), “O strzepywaniu popiołu” Shaking Off the Ash (1992), “Teat pyramid” staged in the London White City, a series of performances “Punkty mówienia” The Speech Points, prepared with Tomaszem Kitlińskim (1994-1997), “Dom nad Morzem” The House by the Sea in co-operation with Krzysztof Borowiec and Grupa Chwilowa (1995). At present the group works on the performance “Trzeci Policjant” The Third Policeman based on Flann O’Brien’s novel.