Teatr Projekt was founded in March 1992. Its founder and manager is Andrzej Matiasz.
In the first “street” phase of its existence, the Theatre showed huge outdoor performances like “Ulica Grodzka” or “Legenda”. The performances were presented at many festivals in Poland and abroad. Among others in Frankfurt, Cologne, Freiburg, Lyon, Grenoble, Challon sur Saones, Jelenia Góra, and in Poznań at the MALTA Festival. The subsequent theatrical project “The Dream” was first staged in Lublin in 1995. It was also presented at the 1-st Theatre Confrontations in Lublin in 1996.
“Dobry Łotr” (The Good Rascal) – first staged in October 1997 at the successive Lublin Theatre Confrontations – is the first Teatr Project indoor production. At the Festival “Pobocza Teatru” in Toruń, Teatr Project was awarded the second Prize, and then “Dobry łotr” was presented at the Festivals in Białystok, Katowice, Nowa Sól, Bydgoszcz, Łódź (the third place in the Contest), and Poznań.
All plays are written and directed by Andrzej Matiasz.
PARADANAKONIECŚWIATA (THEPARADEFORTHEENDOFTHEWORLD) is a production specially prepared for the Theatre Confrontations.
According to scientists the only creatures that will survive the destruction of our civilisation will be bugs. Perhaps it will be the bugs that will cause the destruction. The world is anxiously awaiting the results of the wrong computer programming (the year 2000 syndrome) which is called the “Millennium Bug”. Are bugs and cockroaches to mark the beginning of a new civilisation?…