Based on a drama by Vaško Kania which was staged by Kazimierz Dejmek in 1949. The director Remigiusz Brzyk adopts the aesthetics of socialist realism, introducing the figures of actors who were originally in it and presenting the projection of newsreels from that time. The opening scene reminds of a political cabaret. Later on, due to the convention of “theatre inside theatre”, this text of the social realistic provenience becomes inscribed into modern times. It shows the relationships among people at work featured in the present epoch of capitalism which can be summed up: give as much of yourself as possible every day. The public is led to ask the question: what is the objective of it? what is ruling ideology these days? “The Granger Kurhan’s Brigade” was awarded “Golden Mask” for the best production of 2008/2009 season, the actor Wojciech Blach was awarded a prize for the best role.