The Cosmos of Gardzienice is a presentation of their two most recent performances directed by Włodzimierz Staniewski. They constitute successive stages of consequent work on gesture in ancient theatre and reconstruction of ancient Greek and Roman music approached not only as a melody, but also rhythmical sensitivity of a body. Metamorhoses were inspired by Apuleius of Madaura’s text, in which man is set between two opposite yet constantly interacting paths of existence – Apollonian and Dionysian. This musical ‘theatrical essay’ is a song performed in ancient scales; melodic lines are modified by modern dynamics of rhythms, tempo and voices. Electra based on Euripides is Gardzienice’s most recent production. For the first time the company uses a dramatic text. Intense love and hatred, blind desire and revenge along with the paralyzing sense of guilt are the constituents of a mythical tale about a daughter who killed her mother out of love for her father. The story presents extreme emotional states through perfectly elaborated gestures referring to the ancient art of cheironomy. The Cosmos of Gardzienice is a theatrical return to a three-unit chorea – a live mystery of a universal dimension.