“Long Live the War!!!” is a performance inspired by a TV series based on a novel by Janusz Przymanowski “Czterej pancerni i pies”. However, the performance creates a completely different image of war than the almost idyllic vision we can see in the series. The authors are not trying to condemn anyone, nor to force their own version of the events, their opinion. Instead, they are trying to bring to light these parts of the history that were left silent, denied, forgotten or manipulated. Paweł Demirski reminds us, that the true vision of the Second World War was very different. Like any other war it damaged individuals and whole societies, it affected their psyche and deprived them of their dignity. The characters of the performance don’t really care about defending their country. They are driven by cynicism and contempt, cosmopolitism, they have lost the sense of community and common history. The performance directed by Monika Strzępka is very noisy, farce-like in its style.
Jerzy Szaniawski Drama Theatre in Wałbrzych was founded in 1957. Its repertoire consists mostly of contemporary plays. It is a highly praised and awarded theatre and the performances that added a great deal to its great reputation are: “Rewizor”, “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, “Iwona, księżniczka Burgunda”, “Był sobie Polak Polak Polak i Diabeł”, among others. The theatre organizes “Wałbrzyskie FANABERIE Teatralne”, a festival promoting artists and their work by presenting the most important current Polish theatre performances.