Richard Schechner is a legend of American alternative theatre. A director, critic and theatre theoretician, he started his career as a critic writing for Drama Review. He got involved in practical aspects of making theatre in 1964 whe he founded The Performance Group. His productions include Shakespeare’s ‘Mackbeth’, Brecht’s ‘Mother Courage’ and ‘Dionysus in 69’. All Schechner’s performances are practical implementation of new theatrical concepts including the active participation of the audience, a change of spatial relations, or introducing ritual to theatre. The Study ‘Waiting for Godot’ will be a unique way of presenting theatrical thinking and dramaturgical precision in approaching a classical piece, still considered to be an avant-garde theatre play. Richard Schechner will not offer us a classical performance. This study will be an attempt at interpreting Beckett on stage through lecturing and acting. Antoni Libera, an expert on Beckett and translator of his work, announced his participation. The encounter of Richard Schechner and Antoni Libera through Samuel Beckett’s work will be an interesting lesson of literature and theatre.